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~ SA Professional~

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The value of time...

 Although I had all the good intentions to do a post at least once a week, it seems Father Time got the better of me too… This made me think a bit on time management and the whole concept around the word “time”.

This post is more philosophical than facts related such as the previous posts, however, for us as writers, time is not only an important but a precious commodity as well.

I have read a piece where the author says that our days are like two identical suitcases. Some of us manage to put more in one suitcase than others do. How do they do that? We all have the identical type and size of suitcase called “a day”. Yes, 24 hours, that is the capacity of all of our suitcases.

I suppose it is just like when you travel. Some manage to pack twice as much in their suitcases than others because they know how to pack it the right way in order to get the optimum use of the space provided.

We all have 24 hours a day to utilize, but not all of us know how to get the same use or results from those 24 hours. As the author mentioned, the reason might be that we manage our lives and not our time.

We can not control time. It moves on indefinite regardless of what we do or how clever we are. None of us can save one second from one day to carry it over to the next day. With all the technology and scientific resources it is still impossible to “create” an extra minute. With all the money in the world at your disposal you are not able to buy an extra hour to add to your day.

How often do you hear people talking about “I will make some time…”? We might as well stop searching because as time waits for nobody, it does not lay around for us to pick up when needed either.

Twenty four hours, that is it, that is the most all of us will receive each day. So the question arises if you are wise enough to know that time is your most valuable commodity? Do you know how to spend your time optimally and on what to spend your time to get the most value out of your 24 hours?
Charles Spezanno, in his book “What To Do Between Birth and Death: The Art of Growing Up” makes the remark that one does not pay for things with money, you pay with your time. How many times at one time or another did us all not say: “In ten years time I would have saved enough money to buy that car I am dreaming about”.

Do we realize what we are saying? Ten years of our lives is about a 15% of your lifetime! Worse, calculated from age 20 to 60, it is 25% of your productive adult life you will be spending on a car!

So what is the bottom line? Before you spend time on anything, a car, furniture, appliances or what ever, convert the cost thereof in to time and ask yourself if it is still worth it.

Until next time - all in good time!
God Bless!

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